Main Interface

This file deals with the AntiSpamHandler as it is the primary Interface for you to interact with.

Note, this is the main entrance to this entire package. As such this should be the only thing you interact with.

Punishment messages won’t be sent unless a guild sets a log channel.

This handler propagation method also returns the following class for you to use:


class antispam.AntiSpamHandler(bot, library: antispam.enums.library.Library, *, options: Optional[antispam.dataclasses.options.Options] = None, cache: Optional[] = None)

The overall handler for the DPY Anti-spam package

__init__(bot, library: antispam.enums.library.Library, *, options: Optional[antispam.dataclasses.options.Options] = None, cache: Optional[] = None)

AntiSpamHandler entry point.

  • bot – A reference to your discord bot object.

  • library (Library, Optional) – An enum denoting the library this AntiSpamHandler. See antispam.enums.library.Library for more

  • options (Options, Optional) – An instance of your custom Options the handler should use

  • cache (Cache, Optional) – Your choice of backend caching

async add_guild_log_channel(log_channel: int, guild_id: int) None

Registers a log channel on a guild internally

  • log_channel (int) – The channel id you wish to use for logging

  • guild_id (int) – The id of the guild to store this on


Not setting a log channel means it will not send any punishment messages

async add_guild_options(guild_id: int, options: antispam.dataclasses.options.Options) None

Set a guild’s options to a custom set, rather then the base level set used and defined in ASH initialization


If using/modifying AntiSpamHandler.options to give to this method you will also be modifying the overall options.

To get an options item you can modify freely call antispam.AntiSpamHandler.get_options() this method will give you an instance of the current options you are free to modify however you like.


This will override any current settings, if you wish to continue using existing settings and merely change some I suggest using the get_options method first and then giving those values back to this method with the changed arguments

add_ignored_item(item: int, ignore_type: antispam.enums.ignored_types.IgnoreType) None

Add an item to the relevant ignore list

  • item (int) – The id of the thing to ignore

  • ignore_type (IgnoreType) – An enum representing the item to ignore


ValueError – item is not of type int or int convertible


This will silently ignore any attempts to add an item already added.

async clean_cache(strict=False) None

Cleans the internal cache, pruning any old/un-needed entries.

Non Strict mode:
  • Member deletion criteria:
    • warn_count == default

    • kick_count == default

    • duplicate_counter == default

    • duplicate_channel_counter_dict == default

    • addons dict == default

    • Also must have no active messages after cleaning.

  • Guild deletion criteria:
    • options are not custom

    • log_channel_id is not set

    • addons dict == default

    • Also must have no members stored

Strict mode:
  • Member deletion criteria
    • Has no active messages

  • Guild deletion criteria
    • Does not have custom options

    • log_channel_id is not set

    • Has no active members


strict (bool) – Toggles the above


This is expensive, and likely only required to be run every so often depending on how high traffic your bot is.

async get_guild_options(guild_id: int) antispam.dataclasses.options.Options

Get the options dataclass for a given guild, if the guild doesnt exist raise an exception


guild_id (int) – The guild to get custom options for


The options for this guild

Return type



GuildNotFound – This guild does not exist


This returns a copy of the options, if you wish to change the options on the guild you should use the package methods.

async get_options() antispam.dataclasses.options.Options

Returns a safe to modify instance of this handlers options.


The safe to use options

Return type


async init() None

This method provides a means to initialize any async calls cleanly and without asyncio madness.


This method is guaranteed to be called before the first time propagate runs. However, it will not be run when the class is initialized.

async static load_from_dict(bot, data: dict, library: antispam.enums.library.Library, *, raise_on_exception: bool = True, plugins: Optional[Set[Type[antispam.base_plugin.BasePlugin]]] = None)

Can be used as an entry point when starting your bot to reload a previous state so you don’t lose all of the previous punishment records, etc, etc

  • bot – The bot instance

  • data (dict) – The data to load AntiSpamHandler from

  • library (Library) – The Library you are using.

  • raise_on_exception (bool) –

    Whether or not to raise if an issue is encountered while trying to rebuild AntiSpamHandler from a saved state

    If you set this to False, and an exception occurs during the build process. This will return an AntiSpamHandler instance without any of the saved state and is equivalent to simply doing AntiSpamHandler(bot)

  • plugins (Set[Type[antispam.BasePlugin]]) –

    A set for plugin lookups if you want to initialise plugins from an initial saved state. This should follow the format.


    So for example:

    1class Plugin(BasePlugin):
    2    pass
    4# Where you load ASH
    5await AntiSpamHandler.load_from_dict(..., ..., plugins={Plugin}


A new AntiSpamHandler instance where the state is equal to the provided dict

Return type



Don’t provide data that was not given to you outside of the save_to_dict method unless you are maintaining the correct format.


This method does not check for data conformity. Any invalid input will error unless you set raise_on_exception to False in which case the following occurs

If you set raise_on_exception to False, and an exception occurs during the build process. This method will return an AntiSpamHandler instance without any of the saved state and is equivalent to simply doing AntiSpamHandler(bot)

This will simply ignore the saved state of plugins that don’t have a plugins mapping.

async propagate(message) Optional[Union[antispam.dataclasses.core.CorePayload, dict]]

This method is the base level intake for messages, then propagating it out to the relevant guild or creating one if that is required

For what this returns please see the top of this page.


message (Union[discord.Message, hikari.messages.Message]) – The message that needs to be propagated out


A dictionary of useful information about the Member in question

Return type


register_plugin(plugin, force_overwrite=False) None

Registers a plugin for usage for within the package

  • plugin – The plugin to register

  • force_overwrite (bool) –

    Whether to overwrite any duplicates currently stored.

    Think of this as calling unregister_extension and then proceeding to call this method.


PluginError – A plugin with this name is already loaded


This must be a class instance, and must subclass BasePlugin

async remove_guild_log_channel(guild_id: int) None

Removes a registered guild log channel


guild_id (int) – The guild to remove it from


Silently ignores guilds which don’t exist

async remove_guild_options(guild_id: int) None

Reset a guilds options to the ASH options


guild_id (int) – The guild to reset


This method will silently ignore guilds that do not exist, as it is considered to have ‘removed’ custom options due to how Guild’s are created

remove_ignored_item(item: int, ignore_type: antispam.enums.ignored_types.IgnoreType) None

Remove an item from the relevant ignore list

  • item (int) – The id of the thing to un-ignore

  • ignore_type (IgnoreType) – An enum representing the item to ignore


ValueError – item is not of type int or int convertible


This will silently ignore any attempts to remove an item not ignored.

async reset_member_count(member_id: int, guild_id: int, reset_type: antispam.enums.reset_type.ResetType) None

Reset an internal counter attached to a User object

  • member_id (int) – The user to reset

  • guild_id (int) – The guild they are attached to

  • reset_type (ResetType) – An enum representing the counter to reset


Silently ignores if the User or Guild does not exist. This is because in the packages mind, the counts are ‘reset’ since the default value is the reset value.

async save_to_dict() dict

Creates a ‘save point’ of the current state for this handler which can then be used to restore state at a later date


The saved state in a dictionary form. You can give this to load_from_dict to reload the saved state

Return type



For most expected use-case’s the returned Messages will be outdated, however, they are included as it is technically part of the current state.

Note that is method is expensive in both time and memory. It has to iterate over every single stored class instance within the library and store it in a dictionary.

For bigger bots, it is likely better you create this process yourself using generators in order to reduce overhead.

This will return saved Plugin states where the Plugin has implemented the save_to_dict method.


Due to the already expensive nature of this method, all returned option dictionaries are not deepcopied. Modifying them during runtime will cause this library to begin using that modified copy.

set_cache(cache: None

Change the AntiSpamHandler internal cache to be the one provided.

1bot.handler = AntiSpamHandler(bot)
2cache = MongoCache(bot.handler, "Connection_url")

cache (Cache) – The cache to change it to.


ValueError – The provided cache was not of the expected type.

unregister_plugin(plugin_name: str) None

Used to unregister or remove a plugin that is currently loaded into AntiSpamHandler


plugin_name (str) – The name of the class you want to unregister


PluginError – This extension isn’t loaded

async visualize(content: str, message, warn_count: int = 1, kick_count: int = 2)

Wraps around as a convenience