Message Templating

This package utilises safe conversions for message arguments within strings.

Templating Options

The following are all the options you as the user have:

  • $MENTIONUSER - This will attempt to mention the user, uses discord.Member.mention
  • $USERNAME - This will attempt to state the user’s name, uses discord.Member.display_name
  • $USERID - This will attempt to state the user’s id, uses
  • $BOTNAME - This will attempt to state your bots name, uses
  • $BOTID - This will attempt to state your bots id, uses
  • $GUILDNAME - This will attempt to state the guild’s name, uses
  • $GUILDID - This will attempt to state the guild’s id, uses
  • $TIMESTAMPNOW - This exact time formatted as hh:mm:ss AM/PM, dd/mm/yyyy, uses
  • $TIMESTAMPTODAY - Today’s date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy, uses
  • $WARNCOUNT - How many times the user has been warned so far, uses AntiSpam.User.warn_count
  • $KICKCOUNT - How many times the user has been removed from the guild so far, uses AntiSpam.User.kick_count

The following are special case’s for embeds:

  • $USERAVATAR - This will attempt to display the user’s avatar, uses discord.Member.avatar_url
  • $BOTAVATAR - This will attempt to display the bots avatar, uses
  • $GUILDICON - This will attempt to display the guilds icon, uses discord.Guild.icon_url

The above are valid in the following uses:

  1. discord.Embed.set_author(url="")
  2. discord.Embed.set_footer(icon_url="")

There are currently no plans to support either discord.Embed.image or discord.Embed.thumbnail

Templating Usage

You can include the above options in the following arguments when you initialize the package:

  • guild_warn_message
  • guild_kick_message
  • guild_ban_message
  • user_kick_message
  • user_ban_message

Embed Templating

The above options can also be used within embeds, these also support templating with the options defined above. These options are available in the following fields:

  1. title, discord.Embed.title
  2. description, discord.Embed.description
  3. author -> name in discord.Embed.set_author(name="")
  4. footer -> text in discord.Embed.set_footer(text="")
  5. name & value in discord.Embed.add_field(name="", value="")

NOTE: You can add the timestamp field also. Provided it exists, it will be replaced with discord.Message.created_at , no value required.