ASH Exceptions

Note, these classes should not be used by you. Only use the AntiSpamHandler to work with this package.

All exceptions subclass a base exception BaseASHException which provides functionality for error messages

exception antispam.exceptions.BaseASHException(*args)

A base exception handler for the ASH ecosystem.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'

Return str(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

exception antispam.exceptions.DuplicateObject(*args)

Raised because you attempted to create and add an object, using the exact same id’s as a pre-existing one.

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'
exception antispam.exceptions.ExtensionError(*args)

An error occurred that was related to an extension and not AntiSpamHandler

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'
exception antispam.exceptions.GuildNotFound(*args)

A Guild matching this guild id could not be found in the cache.

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'
exception antispam.exceptions.LogicError(*args)

Raised because internal logic has failed. Please create an issue in the github.

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'
exception antispam.exceptions.MissingGuildPermissions(*args)

I need both permissions to kick & ban people from this guild in order to work!

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'
exception antispam.exceptions.NotFound(*args)

Something could not be found.

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'
exception antispam.exceptions.ObjectMismatch(*args)

Raised because you attempted add a message to a member, but that member didn’t create that message.

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'
exception antispam.exceptions.UserNotFound(*args)

A User matching this id and guild id could not be found in the cache.

__module__ = 'antispam.exceptions'