AdminLogs Plugin

A plugin design to save admins hassle with regard to evidence collection on automated punishments.

Simply register this as a plugin, and it will save the relevant information for all punishments to a text file.

class antispam.plugins.AdminLogs(handler: antispam.anti_spam_handler.AntiSpamHandler, log_location: str)

A plugin design to save admins hassle with regard to evidence collection on automated punishments.

__init__(handler: antispam.anti_spam_handler.AntiSpamHandler, log_location: str)
  • handler (AntiSpamHandler) – Our AntiSpamHandler instance
  • log_location – The directory to store logs in, relative from the caller location. This directory should be empty or only contain previous output from this plugin.


This will save transcripts for every punishment, but it only sends ones to discord if the Guild has a log_channel_id set.

propagate(message, data: antispam.dataclasses.core.CorePayload = None) → Any

This method is called whenever the base antispam.propagate is called, adhering to self.is_pre_invoke


A dictionary of useful data to the end user

Return type:
